Status and Prospects of J-PARC KOTO Experiment
Yu-Chen Tung1*, Yee Bob Hsiung1, Wu Tong1
1Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
* Presenter:Yu-Chen Tung,
KOTO is a rare kaon experiment with the primary goal of probing new physics by measuring the KL→π0νν decay. The KL→π0νν decay is of interest because of its theoretical cleanness and direct CP-violating process, which offers a clean ground for testing various new physics models. However, its tiny decay probability of 3 × 10-11 makes this measurement extremely challenging. KOTO is the first experiment with the experimental sensitivity of ~O(10-11) to test the standard model predicted area and is expected to achieve this goal in the coming few years, based on the J-PARC upgraded beam intensity in 2022, new detectors implementation through 2019-2023 for the background controls, and a new DAQ system upgrade in 2022-2023 to tolerate the high trigger rate. In this talk, I will recap the current analysis status and prospects of KOTO.
Keywords: Rare decay, CP violation