Observation of multiple Andreev-reflection assisted cooling effects in nano superconducting Josephson junctions
SHUNG-KANG KOH1*, Pei-Yuan Li1, Ching-Ping Lee1, IoChun Hoi2, Yen-Hsiang Lin1, Chung-Yu Mou1, Dah-Chin Ling3, Yung-Fu Chen4, Cen-Shawn Wu5, Jeng-Chung Chen1
1Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2Physics, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
3Physics, Tamkang University, New Taipei City, Taiwan
4Physics, National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan
5Physics, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan
* Presenter:SHUNG-KANG KOH, email:kenkoh190@gmail.com
We demonstrate the cooling effect induced by multiple Andreev-reflection (MAR) in the thermal hysteresis of superconducting constrictions near clean and short limit. We measure the current- voltage (I − V ) characteristics of single constriction and micro-SQUID devices, and observe the voltage-step jumps above the critical current (Ic) and below the gap (∆). Our analysis shows that the voltage-steps are signs of the enhancement of superconductivity driven by excess I; in particular, a MAR-assisted cooling effect taken place at V ≤ ∆/e. To demonstrate the cooling effect, we show the co-existence of MAR and supper-current interference in the retrapping currents in a micro-SQUID device. Our findings provide a unified picture to understanding nonequilibrium superconductivity, and have strong implications in developing superconducting ballistics devices.
Keywords: multiple Andreev-reflection, disequilibrium of superconductivity, Josephson junction