Investigation of structure transformation in ultra-thin SrRuO3 films driven by SrTiO3 capping layer
Akhilesh Singh1*, Uddipta Kar1, Song Yang2, Chun-Yen Lin2, Chia-Hung Hsu2, Wei-Li Lee1
1Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
2National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan
* Presenter:Akhilesh Singh,
In a cubic perovskite oxide of ABO3, the BO6 octahedral rotation and tilting result in a structural distortion and transform the cubic structure into tetragonal or orthorhombic phases, where the lowering of the system symmetry may result in changes in electronic and physical properties. In this presentation, we demonstrated that a transformation from tetragonal (T-) phase to orthorhombic (O-) phase in ultra-thin films of SrRuO3 (SRO) can be achieved by an additional SrTiO3 (STO) capping layer. A series of nominal STO (t nm)/SRO (~3 nm) films with t ranging from 0 to 3 nm were grown on STO (001) substrates using an oxide molecular beam system with adsorption controlled growth technique. From rigorous high precision X-ray measurements, a clear transition from T-phase to O-phase was observed when the STO capping layer thickness increases from 0 to 3 nm, inferring a favorable multiple RuO6 rotation and tilting with an additional STO capping layer. In addition, detailed analysis also revealed the structural orientations of SRO [001]o along STO [010]c for O-phase and SRO [001]T along STO [001]c for T-phase. The corresponding anomalous Hall measurements showed minor variations, suggesting the robustness of the ferromagnetism in SRO thin films that appear to be insensitive to the orthorhombic-phase to tetragonal-phase transition.
Keywords: ferromagnetic oxide, SrRuO3, magnetism , structure distortion