Low-temperature magnetic order rearrangement in the layered van der-Waals compound MnPS₃
Sayan Chaudhuri1*, C. N. Kuo2,3, Y. S. Chen1, C. S. Lue2,3, J. G. Lin1,4
1Center for Condensed Matter Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei city, Taiwan
2Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
3Taiwan Consortium of Emergent Crystalline Materials, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei city, Taiwan
4Center of Atomic Initiatives for New Materials, National Taiwan University, Taipei city, Taiwan
* Presenter:Sayan Chaudhuri, email:csayan895@gmail.com
Transition-metal phosphotrichalcogenides, MPX₃ where M is a transition metal and X is a chalcogenide, form a large family of layered compounds with tremendous potential applications in the chemical, electrochemical and medical fields. The wide range of properties in these materials tunable by proper selection of M and X elements and layer numbers acquired immense research interest from a fundamental science point of view as well as for practical applications in spintronic devices, Lithium batteries, thermoelectrics etc. MnPS3₃ a member of this family has 2D Heisenberg antiferromagnetic (HAFM) structure with T_N at 78 K and transform to a XY-system below 55 K [1,2], although according to Mermin-Wagner (MW) theorem, magnetic ordering can not occur in 1D or 2D isotropic Heisenberg systems [3]. It is understood that MnPS₃ orders antiferromagnetically as a result of weak interlayer coupling and the transition to a XY system at low temperature occurs due to a strong in-plane anisotropy. Stabilizing the long-range magnetic ordering in two-dimensional (2D) materials is a challenge from both fundamental and application points of view. It is a result of delicate competition between thermal energy, magnetic exchange energy and spin frustration. In this work [4], we investigated the temperature and field effects on the HAFM spin structure of MnPS₃ using dc magnetic susceptibility and electron spin resonance (ESR) techniques with the applied field along two different directions, xy-plane(in-plane) and z-direction(out-of-plane). Clear development of three-step transitions was observed in the in-plane susceptibility for the first time. A low-temperature plateau from 78 to 38 K can be related to the HAFM ordering with spins pointing to the z-direction. Following, a sharp rising after the plateau suggests a transition into XY-system. The rising slope slows down at 30 K indicating a transition into another phase, possibly a vortex-antivortex state. By fitting the temperature-dependent in-plane ESR parameters with Berezinskii—Kosterlitz—Thouless (BKT) model in the range of 100 K – 300 K, we propose a spin 2D system with the vortex-antivortex structure below the HAFM transition. Susceptibility and ESR data show that the application of a high field along the z-direction destroys both the XY phase and the BKT transition, confirming the scenario of a topological phase transition at zero field. The field dependence of transition as seen in this work provides a route to tune different magnetic phases in 2D system for the future applications of spintronic devices.
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[2] A. R. Wildes, H. M. Rønnow, B. Roessli, M. J. Harris, and K. W. Godfrey, Static and Dynamic Critical Properties of the Quasi-Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnet MnPS3, Phys Rev B 74, 094422 (2006).
[3] N. D. Mermin and H. Wagner, Absence of Ferromagnetism or Antiferromagnetism in One- or Two-Dimensional Isotropic Heisenberg Models, Phys Rev Lett 17, 1133 (1966).
[4] S. Chaudhuri, C. N. Kuo, Y. S. Chen, C. S. Lue, and J. G. Lin, Low-Temperature Magnetic Order Rearrangement in the Layered van Der Waals Compound MnPS3, Phys Rev B 106, 094416 (2022).
Keywords: magnetic vdW materials, spin dynamic, Electron spin resonance