Low light imaging and quantum correlations in imaging
Paul-Antoine Moreau1*
1Dept. of Physics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
* Presenter:Paul-Antoine Moreau, email:pa.moreau@gs.ncku.edu.tw
The emergence and improvement of single-photon-sensitive cameras not only allowed imaging at very low light levels but also enables the detection and use of spatial correlations of quantum nature in images. We will explain how such cameras can be used to detect correlations and entanglement. We will see how simple optical elements can be used to manipulate quantum state of light.
In a second part we will see that even in domains where such cameras are not yet available because of the too high technical noise, it is still possible to perform imaging down a level of one photon per pixel, by using interferometric techniques inspired from homodyne detection.
Keywords: Quantum Imaging, Quantum correlations, Entenglement