Frontier optics driven by intense laser-plasma interactions
Jyhpyng Wang1,2*
1Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
2Department of Physics, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
* Presenter:Jyhpyng Wang,
High-field laser technology has led to the development of novel ultrafast light sources and particle sources by utilizing the intense laser-plasma interactions. Single-cycle long-wavelength infrared pulses and terahertz pulses at relativistic intensity can be generated by photon deceleration in plasma wakes driven by ultrafast intense laser pulses. Femtosecond to attosecond extreme UV pulses can be generated from phase-matched recombination of electrons and ions with compensated plasma dispersion. In the laser-wakefield electron accelerator, the transverse oscillation of electrons generates hard x-ray with small emittance, and gamma ray can be produced from inverse Compton scattering by colliding laser pulses with accelerated electrons. In this talk we shall present the physics underlying these development as well as some of their experimental realization.

Keywords: x-ray, infrared, extreme UV, wakefield, betatron