辦桌筵席Traditional Catering (Bando)
- Time:2023/01/17 PM6:30~PM8:30
- 一般收費Price: NT$1,000
- 學生優惠價special price for students NT$600 (限額300位/Limited quota: 300 )
- 地 點:成功大學 光復校區 成功湖畔
Location:Along the lakeside of Cheng-Kung Lake, Kuang-Fu Campus, National Cheng Kung University
Google map direction:https://goo.gl/maps/VF4snHhPxc96TvRf9 - 由於晚宴名額人數有限, 報名以有成功註冊(有繳費)物理年會與會者為優先。為了避免向隅, 請儘早報名。
Due to the limited quota of the banquet, priority is given to the early birds who complete the registration with full payment.
To ensure your seat, please register as early as possible.